Oh boy! Where to start with this wedding? First off, Jaclyn and I go wayyyy back to our softball playing days (yes, for those who don't know, I used to be a softball pitcher) when we played against each other's travel ball teams throughout high school before playing with each other as Tar Heels throughout college. I have so many stories with Jaclyn - like this one time when our team was at the beach in Florida on spring break, and we sprinkled our coach (who was sleeping) with goldfish and then sat back to watch the gulls swoop.... Yeah, I have probably had the most laughs with this girl - she is ridiculous, but in the best kind of way, and a whole lot of fun. Needless to say, you can only imagine what kind of guy it would take to both reel in Jac's craziness as well as add to it. And lucky for her, Andy is that guy. They are perfect together, and their wedding was an incredible reflection of both their personalities - they had games throughout the reception, in lieu of cocktail hour, they had "80s Power Hour," their dog Hogan made a special toast to the newlyweds.... the list goes on. Since Jaclyn is one of my dear friends, I doubled as bridesmaid and photographer, leaving Adm with the bulk of the photo duties. We also brought along our friend Justin Maxon to help make pictures so between the three of us, this was the most well covered wedding to date. Jaclyn and Andy had a beautiful ceremony on a cliff called "The Bluffs" in Santa Barbara that overlooked the ocean, followed by a reception at Elings Park, which they transformed so that it felt like their personal backyard party. After the reception, everyone headed to their favorite local bar, "The Neighborhood" for the after-party. Jaclyn and Andy, I can't wait to have so many more good times with you two - you guys rock!

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