During the wedding "off-season," I've spent a significant amount of time researching new products and methods to make my business flow more smoothly and provide the best client experience possible. That said, I'm happy to introduce Photoshelter, which is my new site for online ordering and proofing galleries. I've actually been using Photoshelter since 2006, however mainly for my journalism and editorial work. It seemed like a natural progression to use it for my wedding work as well so that I can better streamline part of the "post-production" process. I think Photoshelter offers a wonderful solution for hosting galleries, showcasing images online and providing easy, user-friendly online ordering. You can view all of your images large with a slide show as well as very easily create a "lightbox" of your favorite images for creating albums or comparing images when ordering prints.
All weddings, engagements and portrait sessions will now be hosted on Photoshelter here. I am in the process of transferring previous events to Photoshelter, however, you can still find past events on the "old" system here. Thanks for your patience during this transition! I'd love to hear any feedback/thoughts on the change!