Mini Vacation with Adm's Nieces

We got to play superfunauntanduncle last week when Adm's nieces, Abby and Hava, came down from Oregon to stay with us for a few days.  We kept them super busy with day trips all over northern California - including the Russian River to go swimming and a visit to their grandparents' house in Greeley Hill (which has chickens galore) and to Yosemite National Park, among other things, and we had a ton of fun with them.  I just love these two - they are so full of fun, youth and sweetness.  Every time I get to see them, it makes me miss them even more when they leave.  Luckily, we have lots of photos to remember their visit.

By the way, I might have a new favorite vacation lens: 35 mm 1.4.  The 50 mm has always been my go-to when I'm just doing personal stuff and don't want to carry around a bag of gear, but all of these photos were shot with my new 35, and I LOVED using it!